Saturday, September 22, 2012

Birthday Wishlist

Hey Guys! I know I've been MIA since school started up again, but I'm back, and, in typical wallpaper pants fashion, super edgy. That's right, I'm breaking all the rules. So, that giant, New York Fashion Week sized elephant in the room will have to stay there, because I'm not even mentioning it today. No, I'm here to talk about something much more important, my birthday.

My birthday is only a few days away, so its time to start thinking about what you're going to get me. Now, I know I told you I didn't want anything, but I hope you know me well enough to know that means I actually do. So, you better start looking, and fast. I have some suggestions, of course. So, here are some birthday wish-list picks, to assist you. All of them are stylin, natch.

1) "The Batchel" by Cambridge Satchel Company

These bags are so chic and classic, I've been obsessed for a long time. They go with anything, so they're versatile, but they're bright, so they make a statement. The perfect balance. And, unlike most designer-ish bags, they are not a gajillion dollars (though, for me, an income-less student, it would be a pretty large chunk of my savings). I'm obsessed with the mint green, neon yellow, vintage-y yellow, and powder-ey pink. That's literally a third of the choices. So, yeah. It's a tough call. But, I can't wait for a beautiful fall a new bag on my shoulder (not to be confused with the blue bird on my shoulder).

2) 21 Drops

By now, it is fairly clear that I have an obsession with spa products. Its an expensive addiction to fund, but at least my parents can be happy to admit that their daughter isn't on drugs. That doesn't mean I'm not huffing fumes though. Aromatherapy is my drug. Your love is also my drug, but that's different. Aromatherapy has the power to change your mood and make you feel zen. Now, thanks to twenty one drops, that spa-zen feeling is portable. Basically what they are is 21 different aromatherapy blends to treat various ailments such as insomnia, PMS, menopause, and stress. In other words, they make your life a million times better. Personally, I've been three eyeing blends: Sleep, Invigorate, and De-stress. Just another day in the life of an overworked high schooler. Oh well. I don't know about you, but I think a spa in a tube sounds awesome. 

3) A Lush gift card!

Most of you know about my obsession with Lush by now. It's a no brainer. I need that stuff.

More to come....

Anyways, that's my wish list. I'm totally open to suggestions, though! Email me or comment below.
I really missed you guys, I'm so happy to be back.


  1. Great wish list! I've also been totally obsessed with Cambridge Satchels, but I think any one of your picks would make a great present. Oh, and happy early birthday!

    1. Thanks! I know, they're just too cute to be ignored.

  2. I'm sorry I missed your birthday! When was it exactly? I just read your Lush post and I'm still so curious about it. I have crazy sensitive skin as I guess you do as well? Maybe I need to experiment.

    1. Don't worry about it! (It was about a month ago). You should definitely try Lush, I love it. They actually have one more cleanser that's more gentle than the ones I mentioned, maybe you'll like that one?
      Here it is:,en_US,pd.html
      Good luck!
